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Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School


Please find latest letters below.

  1. Teacher Farewell Parent Letter
    PDF File
  2. PSHE Changing Me Parent Letter 2024
    PDF File
  3. WeST HAB Membership
    PDF File
  4. Change of SLT/Headteacher - Chris Rickard to parents
    PDF File
  5. Change of SLT/Headteacher - Rob Haring CEO to parents
    PDF File
  6. Letter to parents & carers - HM Queen Elizabeth II - State Funeral
    PDF File
  7. Wonwell Class Information Autumn Term 22/23
    DOCX File
  8. Mothecombe Class Information Autumn Term 22/23
    DOCX File
  9. Bigbury Class Information Autumn Term 22/23
    PDF File
  10. Stoke Nursery Information Letter 22/23
    DOC File
  11. Stoke Reception Information Letter 22/23
    DOC File
  12. WeST Governance - HAB Member Application
    PDF File
  13. WeST Governance Consultation Results May 2022
    PDF File
  14. WeST Parental Letter - Easter April 22
    PDF File
  15. WeST Governance Consultation March 2022
    PDF File
  16. WeST Parental Letter - Happy New Year 2022
    PDF File
  17. WeST Parental Letter - March 2022 Covid Update
    PDF File
  18. Wonwell Class Information Autumn Term 2021
    PDF File
  19. Mothecombe Class Information Autumn Term 2021
    PDF File
  20. Bigbury Class Information Autumn Term 2021
    PDF File
  21. Stoke Class Information Autumn Term 2021
    PDF File
  22. WeST Transition for September 2021
    PDF File
  23. WeST Early Years Transition June 2021
    PDF File
  24. WeST Letter 18th June 2021
    PDF File
  25. WeST Letter for parents - Additional Inset Day
    DOCX File
  26. Parish Council Logo Competition
    DOCX File
  27. Bikeability 2020
    DOCX File
  28. Surfing Letter of Interest Sept 2020
    DOCX File
  29. A message from Holbeton School Governing Board September 2020
    PDF File
  30. Mothewell Class Information Autumn Term NEW
    DOCX File
  31. Wonwell Class Information Autumn Term NEW
    DOCX File
  32. Stoke Class Information Autumn Term NEW
    DOCX File
  33. Tapestry letter - Existing parents
    DOC File
  34. Tapestry letter - New parents
    DOC File
  35. Staggered Times Update
    PDF File
  36. September Opening Letter
    DOCX File
  37. SOE3 Form - Dartmoor Zoo 8th September 2020
    DOC File
  38. Dartmoor Zoo 8th September 2020
    DOC File
  39. Opening Pack (covering letter) - July 2020
    PDF File
  40. September Reopening Pack 2020
    PDF File
  41. Class Structure 2020 21
    PDF File
  42. Introduction to Mr. C. Rickard
    PDF File
  43. 20.06.18 Phase 3 Return to School
    DOCX File
  44. 28.05.2020 Phased Return - F.A.Q.
    DOC File
  45. 18.03.20 Joint YPS and HPS Letter
    PDF File
  46. 19.03.20 WeST COVID-19 - Parent Carer Update
    PDF File
  47. 17.03.20 YPS and HPS Temporary Merger
    DOCX File
  48. 17.03.20 WeST COVID-19 - Parent Carer Update
    PDF File
  49. 18.03.20 YPS and HPS Letter Home Learning Resource Information
    DOCX File
  50. 18.05.2020 Phased Return to School
    PDF File
  51. 22.05.2020 Phased Return to School
    PDF File
  52. Nursery 3 year old Dental Survey - Appendix L Consent letter
    DOCX File
  53. KS2 Trip - NMA 4th March 2020
    DOC File
  54. KS1 Trip - Becky Falls 3rd March 2020
    DOC File
  55. Clubs Letter - Spring Term i 19 20
    DOCX File
  56. Barn Owl Trust - 12th February 2020
    DOC File
  57. Parents Diary - Spring 1 2019-2020
    PDF File
  58. Welome back to the Spring Term 2020
    DOCX File
  59. Foundation Unit - Autumn ii 2019 20
    DOC File
  60. Clubs Letter - Autumn Term ii 19 20
    DOCX File
  61. Brexit letter to Parents
    DOCX File
  62. Cross Country - 29th October 2019
    DOC File
  63. Foundation Outdoor Learning - Autumn 2019
    DOC File
  64. Junior Life Skills - 7th October 2019
    DOC File
  65. Beam House - Sept 2019
    DOC File
  66. Clubs Letter - Autumn Term i 19 20
    DOCX File
  67. Foundation Unit - Beach School Sept 2019 (more)
    DOC File
  68. Welcome from Miss Campbell
    DOC File
  69. Helpful Reminders
    DOCX File
  70. Nursery Welcome from Mrs Rundle - New School Year 2019/20
    DOC File
  71. Foundation Unit - Beach School Sept 2019
    DOC File
  72. Welcome from Mrs Rundle - New School Year 2019/20
    DOC File
  73. Sports Day Lunch 5th July 2019
    DOC File
  74. Woodlands Theme Park - Y6 11th July 2019
    DOC File
  75. Consultation Letter- Holbeton Pre School
    DOCX File
  76. Transition Invite 2019/20
    DOC File
  77. PGL Residential - Beam House Sept 2019
    DOC File
  78. Swimming 2019
    DOC File
  79. DIARY - May - July 2019
    PDF File
  80. Clubs Letter - Summer Term 18 19
    DOCX File
  81. Future Make Immersion Day 13th March 2019
    DOC File
  82. DIARY: Jan - April 2019
    PDF File
  83. Clubs Letter - Spring Term 18 19
    DOCX File
  84. Welcome Back - January 2019
    DOC File
  85. Buckfast Abbey Trip - 20th December 2018
    DOC File
  86. Awful Auntie Trip - 6th December 2018
    DOC File
  87. DIARY: Sept - Dec 2018
    PDF File
  88. Head Lice/Nits - Oct 2018
    DOC File
  89. Bikeability - October 2018
    DOC File
  90. Summer 2018
    DOC File
  91. Ticks , how to protect yourself
    PDF File
  92. Eco Competition - Our Outdoors 2018
    DOC File
  93. Dogs in School
    DOC File
  94. Invite to Meeting 18th May 2018
    DOC File
  95. Parent Governor Election April 2018
    PDF File
  96. Watermark Letter 26th April 2018
    PDF File
  97. Club Letter Summer 2018
    PDF File