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Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School


Learning at Holbeton

At Holbeton Primary School, we aim to provide a broad and well-balanced curriculum that will inspire our pupils and motivate them to learn. Our mission is to 'Grow Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns' and we believe this happens when Our curriculum follows the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum supplemented by opportunities to provide enrichment, inspire curiosity, and support the development of every child’s academic, social, communication and wellbeing needs; growing and learning together as a family so that each individual is enabled to flourish, ready to take on the next stage in their life’s journey and take their place in the world.

Careful planning ensures progression of both skills and knowledge as the children journey through each subject’s curriculum. Teachers plan specific activities to elicit prior knowledge so that the learning builds sequentially.  As a school community, we believe we have a responsibility to educate the whole child. We recognise that all children are unique and bring their own special talents and gifts to our school.

Our school values of Guidance, Resilience, Opportunity, Wonder, Togetherness and Health are woven into daily school life, and we encourage our school family to live out these values in our interactions with each other, our wider community and the world around us.

We are fortunate to be situated within the beautiful South Hams with countless wonderful learning opportunities on our doorstep. Our curriculum aims to make the best possible use of these opportunities to enrich our children's experiences and bring their learning to life.