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Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

School Day


School gates open - all classes arrive at the main playground gate
8.55 School gate closes and registration begins
9.05 Registration closes and morning learning starts
10.45 Morning break time
11.00 Morning learning continues
12.25 Lunchtime
13.25 Afternoon learning starts
15:25 End of school day 
  • Compulsory time pupils spend in school each day: 6.5 hours
  • Compulsory time pupils spend in school each week: 32.5 hours

Start and End of the Day

Doors will be open from 8.45-8.55am allowing for a ten-minute window in which the children can arrive.

The doors will be closed at 8.55am and registers taken.

At the end of the school day, the children will be taken out onto the playground where their parents and carers can collect them. If parents are going to be late for any reason, we ask that they please phone ahead. We ask parents and carers to inform the school office if someone different is going to be collecting their child. 


We have appointed Plymouth Argyll Community Trust as our before and after school provision provider:

Breakfast Club
Breakfast included (7:45am-8:45am)
No Breakfast Included (8:20am-8:45am)

After School Club

After School club including food (3.25pm-5.30pm) £8.00 per session
After School club without food (3.25pm-4.00pm) £4.50 per session

If you would like to organise a school club, or you have an idea or suggestion, please get in touch with a member of school staff.